Guidelines for Creating Network Passwords

Why Are Strong Passwords Important

Passwords are used to control and manage access to the Miami Dade College network. Strong passwords safeguard against identity theft. Compromised passwords expose sensitive College data and systems and put user's email and data files at risk.

One of the most common methods attackers use to guess passwords is known as a brute force attack. Attackers systematically try possible password variations until they manage to break into an account. They frequently use dictionary files to generate lists of possible passwords. By choosing passwords that are easy to remember but hard for attackers to guess, you will significantly improve the security of your identity, computer and data.

1. Passwords must be at least fifteen (15) characters long.
2. Passwords must not contain any name or nickname.
3. Passwords should contain characters from at least three (3) of the following four (4) classes: 4. After five bad logon attempts, the user will be locked out.
5. Passwords will expire automatically every 180 days.

Passwords should not contain dictionary words, including foreign language words, slang, jargon, or proper names. Passwords should not be based on your name, userid, birthdates, addresses, phone numbers, relatives' names or other easily identifiable personal information. However, you can combine individual syllables of words or the first letter of each word in a phrase to form your password as long as this does not result in a dictionary word.

Protecting Your Passwords
If you suspect your account or password has been compromised, change the password immediately.